Roulette Deluxe

Roulette Deluxe is a fixed odds betting game based on roulette.

The Roulette wheel has 37 numbered slots, 0 to 36 each of which can be bet on. The wheel is spun in one direction and a ball is spun in the wheel in the opposite direction. The ball will land in one of the numbered slots. If you bet on the slot the ball has landed in, you will win a payout.


    • There are two tables and the wheel:
      1. The Betting Table, where bets can be placed.
      2. The Neighbors Table, where Neighbors bets can be placed.
      3. The Roulette wheel.
      • The Neighbors table can be accessed by clicking the small picture of it above the Betting Table, and the Betting Table can be accessed by cliking the small picture of it above the Neighbors Table.
    • The different chip values that can be used to place bets appear in the chip tray. Click a chip in the chip tray to select it.
      • The chip tray appears to the left of the currently selected table.
    • To place a bet, click the desired chip value and then click on the number or numbers you would like to bet on. The chosen number(s) will be highlighted until you release your mouse coutsor. The chip tray is scrollable.
    • There are many different types of bets in Roulette, including bets placed on multiple numbers with a single chip. All bets are listed in the BET TYPES AND PAYTABLE section below.
    • Roulette Deluxe offers a variety of betting modes. Click on SPECIAL BETS on the left of the screen, to see all possible modes.
      • Regular mode used to place regular bets. And painting mode (click, hold and move the pointer to leave a trail of chips).
      • All Around - will place the same chip on all the surrounding spilt and corners betting positions.
      • Lucky Chip - every bet will place the chosen chip on the touched area and 9 more chips with the same amount randomly (random betting positions include 0-36, Split and Corner). In this mode a chip can be placed on a specific number on Split or on Corner.
      • Lucky Line - betting on a specific number will also bet 6 more chips, 3 on each side in a line shape.
      • Finale Bets - betting on a specific number will also bet on all the numbers that ends with the same number the player placed his chip on. For example, if you bet on the number 3, the same chips will be placed on 13, 23 and 33.
      • Favorite Bets - Click and hold on one of the numbers to save the current bets on the table. You can save up to 4 different favorite bets at a time.
      • Info button - open the instructions on how to place bets in the different modes.
    • SPECIAL BETS are disabled on the Neighbors table.
    • You may place as many different bets of as many different values as you like on each game, provided the potential winnings from the bet do not exceed the maximum payout from a single game.
    • If you wish to place an additional bet of a different value, click a chip of a different value. When you put a mouse over on a possible bet, a pop up with bet details will be visible.
    • Click UNDO to remove the last bet made from the table.
    • Click CLEAR BETS to remove all bets currently on the table.
    • Click the DOUBLE button to double all bets currently placed on the table.
    • The minimum and maximum total bets are shown beside the table. If you click on this text a pop-up window will appear that details all the table limits.
    • Each position on the table has a minimum bet and a maximum bet. If you attempt to bet higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum, the bet will not be accepted and a small message will appear to inform you of this.
    • The TABLE COVERAGE percentage bar shows the percentage of the total possible bets that your chips on the table cover. The bar is between the table and table limits.
    • Click the HOLD FOR AUTOPLAY/SPIN button to spin the roulette wheel with any current bets.
    • After the ball has landed, a marker will be placed on the winning number from the last spin in the Betting Table view and the REBET, DOUBLE & SPIN and REBET & SPIN buttons will appear.
      • Click REBET to place the same bets as in the previous round.
      • Click DOUBLE & SPIN to double the previous bet(s) and start another game.
      • Click REBET & SPIN to place the same bet(s) as in the previous game and start another game.

Note: when you move the mouse cursor over the button the previous bet positions will be highlighted.

  • The Win screen showns you the total win and the winning number.
  • At the bottom of this screen you can see a more detailed summary of the total win. This text moves left and right automatically and also can be scrolled manually. The result history in the top right corner of the screen shows the previous game results.
  • You can also bet on Hot and Cold numbers. The Hot number - is the number that was hit the most during the last 100 spins (or fewer, if the player hasn’t bet on 100 spins). Up to 7 Hot numbers may be shown. The Cold number - is a number that hasn’t been hit in the last 20 spins or more.
  • You can press the SPIN button and then touch anywhere on the screen to stop the ball (It will skip the spin animation and show the final result). This is called the Snapper feature.


  • The AUTOPLAY mode can be used to play several games in a row with the same bet automatically.
  • Place a bet, then hold the HOLD FOR AUTOPLAY/SPIN button to open the Autoplay panel. The Autoplay panel has a slider which can be moved to select the number of games to be played automatically. Slide the slider to the desired number of automatic games, then click the START AUTOPLAY button to begin those games.
  • During the Autoplay games, the number of remaining games will be shown on the STOP AUTOPLAY button at the bottom right of the screen. Press the STOP AUTOPLAY button at any time to end the Autoplay games.


  • DOUBLE - Doubles all current bets (if the set limit is not exceeded).
  • CLEAR BETS - Removes all bets from the table.
  • HOLD FOR AUTOPLAY/SPIN - Spins the roulette wheel with any current bets. Holding this button opens the Autoplay Panel.
  • REBET - Places the same bets as in the previous round.
  • DOUBLE & SPIN - Doubles all current bets (if the set limit is not exceeded) and spins the wheel. When no new bets have been placed, clicking this button repeats and doubles the previous bets and spins the roulette wheel.
  • REBET & SPIN - Places the same bets as in the previous round and spins the roulette wheel.
  • START AUTOPLAY - Starts the selected number of Autoplay games.
  • STOP AUTOPLAY - Cancels the active Autoplay session.
  • UNDO - When clicked, the last bet is removed from the table.


  • The Betting Table view allows you to make a wide range of standard bets:
    • Straight Up
    • Split
    • Street
    • Corner/Four
    • Line
    • Column/Dozen
    • 1st 12
    • 2nd 12
    • 3rd 12
    • 1-18
    • 19-36
    • Red/Black
    • Even/Odd
  • More information about the bets can be found in the BET TYPES AND PAYTABLE section below.
  • Once you have placed your bet, click SPIN to start the game.


  • The Neighbors Table view can be accessed by clicking NEIGHBORS on the Betting Table view.
  • The Neighbors Table allows you to make several types of bets that are unavailable on the Betting Table. These special bets are:
    • Voisins du Zero
    • Tier
    • Orphelins
  • There are 5 numbered NEIGHBORS buttons. Click a NEIGHBORS button and then click on a number on the table to bet on that number and the numbers neighboring it to the left and the right. For example, clicking the NEIGHBORS button labelled 1 and then clicking on the number 2 on the table will place bets on the number 2 and the numbers to the immediate right and left of 2 (21 on the right and 25 on the left). Clicking on the NEIGHBORS button labelled 4 and then clicking on the number 2 on the table will place bets on the number 2 and the four numbers to the immediate right and left of 2 (21, 4, 19 and 15 to the right, and 25, 17, 34 and 6 to the left.).
  • Clicking on Tier, Orphelins or Voisins Du Zero will place special bets, as detailed in the paytable section below.
  • Once you have placed your bet, click SPIN to start the game.
  • Clicking the BACK button will return you to the Betting Table view.
  • More information about the bets can be found in the BET TYPES AND PAYTABLE section below.
  • Once you have placed your bet, click SPIN to start the game.


  • Clicking SPIN after making a bet will spin the ball in the Roulette wheel.
  • If the ball lands in a slot you bet on, you will win a payout according to your bet.
  • The slot the ball landed in is shown in the roulette screen.
  • After the ball has landed, the REBET, DOUBLE & SPIN and REBET & SPIN buttons will appear.
    • Click DOUBLE & SPIN to double the previous bet(s) and start another game.
    • Click REBET & SPIN to place the same bet(s) as in the previous game and start another game.
  • A marker will be placed on the winning number from the last spin. The REBET, REBET & SPIN and DOUBLE & SPIN buttons will also appear on the Betting Table.


Please note that the “How to Place” descriptions below apply to the game.

Bet Type



How to Place


Straight Up

1 number

A bet on a single number being the winning number (including 0).

Click on a number.



2 numbers

A bet on two numbers next to each other on the table.

Click between two numbers.



3 numbers

A bet on a row of three numbers (e.g. 1, 2, and 3).

Click on the bottom edge of the lowest number in a vertical row.



4 numbers

A bet covering four numbers next to each other on the table.

Click at the corner of four numbers.



6 numbers

A bet covering two Streets - six different numbers in two rows of three numbers (e.g. 1, 2, and 3 + 4, 5 and 6).

Click between two street bets (at the bottom corner of two numbers at the bottom of a vertical row).



12 numbers

A bet covering an entire horizontal row of twelve numbers.

Click on one of the areas marked “2 to 1”.


1st 12

12 numbers

A bet on the winning number being between 1 and 12.

Click on the area marked “1st 12”.


2nd 12

12 numbers

A bet on the winning number being between 13 and 24.

Click on the area marked “2nd 12”.


3rd 12

12 numbers

A bet on the winning number being between 25 and 36.

Click on the area marked “3rd 12”.


1-18 (Low)

18 numbers

A bet on the winning number being between 1 and 18.

Click on the area marked “1-18”.


19-36 (High)

18 numbers

A bet on the winning number being between 19 and 36.

Click on the area marked “19-36”.



18 numbers

A bet on the winning number being red.

Click on the area marked with a red diamond.



18 numbers

A bet on the winning number being black.

Click on the area marked with a black diamond.



18 numbers

A bet on the winning number being even.

Click on the area marked with “EVEN”.



18 numbers

A bet on the winning number being odd.

Click on the area marked with “ODD”.


Neighbors Bets:

1. Neighbors bets cover 3 to 11 adjacent numbers (a bet on a number and its neighbors). Neighbors bets can be placed in the Neighbors view, accessed by clicking the Neighbors view tab above the betting table. To place a Neighbors bet click one of the numbered Neighbors buttons to select the number of adjacent numbers you wish to bet on and then click on a number on the table. A bet will be placed on the number clicked on as well as the numbers adjacent to it. For example, if the Neighbors button 1 is selected and a bet is placed on the number 1, bets will be placed on the numbers 33 and 20. If the Neighbors button 5 is selected and a bet is placed on the number 1, then bets will be placed on 10, 5, 24, 16, 33, 1, 20, 14,31, 9 and 22 . If any of the numbers in a Neighbors bet win, a payout of 35:1 is awarded.

2. Voisins du Zero means “Neighbors of Zero”. These are the numbers positioned between 22 and 25 on the wheel, including 0. Click Voisins Du Zero on the Neighbors table to place the bet. 9 chips of the selected value are staked in total:

  • 2 chips are staked as a triplet bet on 0/2/3
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 4/7
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 12/15
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 18/21
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 19/22
  • 2 chips are staked as a corner bet on 25/26/28/29
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 32/35

The payouts for a Voisins du Zero bet are as follows:

Winning Number


0, 2, or 3

22 chips (11:1) + 2 chips

4, 7, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 32, or 35

17 chips (17:1) + 1 chip

25, 26, 28, or 29

16 chips (8:1) + 2 chips

3. Tiers bets cover one-third of the table, the numbers that are positioned on the third of the wheel opposite 0, i.e. between 27 and 33. Click Tier on the Neighbors table to place the bet. 6 chips of the selected value are staked in total:

  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 5/8
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 10/11
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 13/16
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 23/24
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 27/30
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 33/36

The payout for a Tiers bet is as follows:

Winning Number


5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 23, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36

17 chips (17:1) + 1 chip

4. Orphelins bets covers 8 numbers. Orphelins means “Orphans”; these numbers make up the two areas of the wheel that are not included in either Tiers or Voisins du Zero bets. Click Orphelins on the Neighbors table to place the bet. 5 chips of the selected value are staked in total:

  • 1 chip is staked as a straight bet on 1
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 6/9
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 14/17
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 17/20
  • 1 chip is staked as a split bet on 31/34

Note that number 17 participates in two splits (14/17 and 17/20). The payouts for an Orphelins bet are as follows:

Winning Number


6, 9, 14, 20, 31, 34

17 chips (17:1) + 1 chip


35 chips (35:1) + 1 chip


34 chips (17:1) + 2 chips


  • A win will return any chips bet on the winning number and award a payout based on the type of bet.
  • The actual payout depends on the number of chips involved in the bet. For example, if the bet is placed on five consecutive numbers and one of them is hit, the payout is 35 + 1 − 5 = 31 chips.

Note on disconnections: If you are disconnected from the Internet in the middle of the game, log in again into the casino. You will be automatically directed back to the game and you can continue the game from the point where it was broken. If you re-open the game without re-logging into the casino, the game will start from the very beginning. In both cases, your previous wins will be paid.

To check the results of your old games or find additional details about recent games, click the History button, available in the Menu. Use your regular username and password to log in and check the outcome of previous rounds of both desktop and mobile version of the game.

Note on malfunctions: A malfunction voids all pays and plays.

Note on unresolved bets: Unresolved bets placed become void after 90 days.

The theoretical percentage return to player (RTP) is 97.30 %.

: 02/04/2019